Teddy Bear Cufflinks

There is nothing more comforting in the world than snuggling up with your favorite, childhood teddy bear. In this classical section, we feature an array of teddy bear cufflinks, each as unique and different as the plush toys themselves. Each and every cufflink in this section makes a perfect gift for a little boy who someone, undoubtedly, will become a man. Here a little history about how the teddy bear got its name: "The teddy bear got its name from President Theodore Roosevelt. On a political trip involving a dispute over the border between Louisiana and Mississippi, Roosevelt went on a side hunting outing in 1903, in Mississippi. Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot a helpless black bear cub, which had been chained to a tree for him by his hosts. “These cufflinks can act as a reminder to "never grow up" all the way and to always remember the sacred moments of childhood. We promise that each and every teddy bear cufflinks will act as a comforting reminder of the days go by, and remind the wearer that he is always loved by the giver.

Teddy Bear Cufflinks

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