Who says being a geek doesn't pay off in the end? Most of the traditional "geeks" out there have spent their lives dedicated to their "subject of choice," so now that all your hard work has paid off financially, why not indulge in a little high fashion by way of cufflinks? Being a geek is all it is cracked up to be, because in the end, you always get the girl (and the boat). This section features all those nerdy instruments and gadgets that got you where you are today. Whether it is a USB Cufflink Set to hold all of your top secret, precious information, you're Smart Phone Cufflinks to show where your heart really lies, or simply our @ Sign Cufflinks to show your passion for the inter webs by way of high fashion, we've got all your nerdy cufflink needs covered. And hey, don't forget, that we were once nerds too! In life, you have to start somewhere, so don't forget to "rep where you came from" by way of showing the world your real claim to fame.