Hammer Cufflinks
The working man's favorite tool, other than the wrench, of course. Here in our Hammer Cufflink section we feature a series of working man's jewelry that accentuate the design of your trusty little hammer and turn it into fun, eclectic modern jewelry. If you always have a hammer in your right hand, why not wear a pair of hammers on both hands? Here is a little tidbit about hammers and the birth of modern tools: The use of simple tools dates to about 2,400,000 BCE. (That is a long time, isn't it folks?) Various shaped stones were used to strike wood, bone, or other stones to break them apart and shape them. Stones attached to sticks with strips of leather or animal sinew were being used as hammers by about 30,000 BCE during the middle of the Paleolithic Stone Age. Its archeological record means it is perhaps the oldest human tool known. SO if you want to represent the birth of modernity through working tools, the hammer is the right choice for you. Our Hammer Cufflinks are ideal for engineers, plumbers, construction workers, and handymen everywhere.