Puzzle Cufflinks
Daniel McAdam, from the American Jigzaw Puzzle Society, says the following: "It is generally agreed that the first jigsaw puzzle was produced around 1760 by John Spilsbury, a London engraver and mapmaker. Spilsbury mounted one of his maps on a sheet of hardwood and cut around the borders of the countries using a fine-bladed marquetry saw. The end product was an educational pastime, designed as an aid in teaching British children their geography. The idea caught on and, until about 1820, jigsaw puzzles remained primarily educational tools. " If the art of puzzle making and puzzle crafting resonates with you, then you have surely come to the right section of Cufflinksman. We offer an eclectic, novelty section of some of our favorite Puzzle Cufflinks, including the Blue Enamel Quadrant Puzzle Cufflinks, our Crossword Puzzle Cufflinks, our Silver Jigsaw Puzzle Cufflinks, and more. While you are reading the Sunday New York Times paper, drinking your morning coffee, and doodling on the New York Times Crossword puzzle section, you might as well have your favorite pair of Crossword Puzzle Cufflinks on, just for extra luck.