Aymara Circle Studded Yellow Palate Butterfly Cufflinks are finished from real Papilio Androgenus butterfly wings, which are then enameled over, and set in Pervuvian Sterling Silver. These cufflinks are made from real butterfly wings, which are then enameled over, and set in Peruvian Sterling Silver. The cufflink displays the particulars of the noticeable Yellow Palate, wings making them truthfully one of a brand. Papilio Androgenus butterflies receive their sustenance from flower nectar from and make their homes in tropical rainforests throughout Central and South America. They are real flying beauties due to their multi-spiked tails and pure yellow color. These huge butterflies are a testimony to the brightness of evolution and the acute beauty creates in nature. The glowing yellow appearance of the Papilio Androgenus wings preserved in these cufflinks is a continuing mark of respect to their normal sophistication.
$ 149.75
$ 79.95
$ 29.95