The Aymara Sunrise Diamond Butterfly Cufflinks are made from real Phoebis Argante butterfly wings.Their life span is usually two to three weeks, during which time their stylish wings flutter around the grounds of the safe haven, and then pass on logically. Each cufflink showcases the workings of the Argante wing. Your purchase will support the continuation and growth of each species of butterfly at The Pilpintuwasi Orphanage. The genus Phoebis is comprise of eight different species, most of which are strongly migratory. The male butterflies use their wonderfully glowing, yellow wings to rise up in swirl masses when they are distressed. Each cufflink showcases the intricacies of the Argante wing. They can be found in rain forests, open deciduous woodlands, grassland, farmlands, and gardens. These social creatures are found anywhere from Mexico to Uruguay, but also find their home in islands in the Caribbean and Cuba.